Virtual Beggars Episode 2

Join Daniel and Sarah for the second episode of Virtual Beggars where the good, bad and WTF of crowdfunding is discussed. Today’s episode features sunbeds for phones, takeaway dog food and half naked red heads among other weird requests for funding. Our technology was being rather frustrating in this one, and we may have over compensated with gin 🙂

For those that would like to view the ideas we looked at

Bad / WTF!
Chicken Nugget Appreciation Website
T.PooX dog’s feces collector
The dog bowl is out, the dog bar is in.
White Chicks 2
The reasons why I created this product! aka weird car cooling
LiveJackets (Prototype 2)
BoomS – Sneakers With Speakers
SmartWash – Sanitize Your Phone in 20 seconds
Fidget Spinner Phone Case – Detachable
Chilla Chair

Good! (though Daniel probably disagrees)